Instead, his elder sister Maria had a Promotion to Parent.

Jack of All Stats: As far as Zoids go, the Shield Liger is a Jack extraordinaire.In the Blood: Van's father was something of an exceptional pilot as well, according to testimony from the mentor.This trait is abandoned in Guardian Force. Idiot Hero: In the first series, he has his moments of naivete, such as not knowing what a clock position is.He goes through another short one when Fiona briefly disappears nearing the finale. Heroic BSoD: A short one after Raven's Geno Saurer totals his Shield Liger.Cool Sword: The Blade Liger's Laser Blades.Not to add later on said man he saved basically stole a Zoid from a Republican base, and did an attack on the capital which caused some casualties to innocents. End result while he did save the man, it caused his group to be suspected spies of The Empire. Van didn't care where the man was from, ganging up on someone like that is wrong in his eyes and basically wanted them to leave the man alone. One episode he basically saved an escaped prisoner that's from The Empire, because a gang of people were ganging up on him and planning to beat him up. Chronic Hero Syndrome: So much it has come to bite him a few times.Big Brother Mentor: Towards prince Rudolf.Beehive Barrier: Shield Liger's namesake E-Shielder.Battle Story Shield Liger's shield is effective against energy attack only. As result, its Deflector Shields can block physical attack and even used to ram an enemy. Ace Custom: His Shield Liger is powered-up by Sieg.Being shot out of the Ultrasaurus' Wave-Motion Gun to take out the true Death Saurer. Abnormal Ammo: Ban and his Blade Liger become this in Guardian Force's finale.Joining up with old and new allies, Ban eventually becomes a key player in stopping Hilz's machinations and Saving the World from the Death Saurer, a Forgotten Superweapon of immense power.īan initially pilots the Shield Liger, an all-around Zoid specializing in the use of Deflector Shields, but towards the end of the first series, it is heavily damaged in combat against Raven's Geno Saurer and subsequently repaired/evolved by Fiine and Sieg, transforming it into the Blade Liger, which he uses for the rest of the series. Reuniting with Fiine some time later, they get inducted into the joint Republican/Imperial "Guardian Force" and are charged with putting down insurgencies of terrorists who disapprove of the peace between the two nations, not knowing that these people are being manipulated from the shadows by a mysterious man named Hilz, whose true motives appear to simply be to cause as much chaos and widespread destruction as possible. After helping settle the Empire's internal strife by way of dispatching Evil Chancellor Gunther Prozen, Ban is offered a spot in the Republican army and parts ways with Fiine, spending a year in training and significantly increasing his piloting skill. Eventually, they get wrapped up in the fighting between the republic and the Guylos Empire.
He begins the series wandering around the ruins near his home, and after awakening a sleeping Organoid which he names "Sieg" (After his father's prized Command Wolf Zoid) and a Mysterious Waif who identifies herself as "Fiine", heads off on a journey to find "Zoid Eve" and restore Fiine's lost memories. Son of a respected Helic army officer who died in an incident some time before the series proper began. Voiced by: Daisuke Kishio (Japanese), Matthew Erickson (English)Ī young boy from the Wind Colony village on the outskirts of the Helic Republic.